ponedjeljak, 27. prosinca 2010.

What do you do after Christmas?

What do you do after Christmas?
How do you play your life?
Every game's got the rules
And if you get back to blues,
Where the Christmas spirit has gone?

How will you act your life after
A day, month or a year?
Cause we remember like fishes
So many wishes.
Merry after the Christmas time.

What do you do when the Santa
Takes the summer vacation in Jamaica?
Is he maybe a faker
Or you an easy heart breaker?
Merry after the Christmas time.

Every morning when open up your eyes
Blow the ashes from the past of your soul.
Cause every day is like the jingle.
It brings the fire to your ingle.
Just listen to the bells of your heart.

petak, 17. prosinca 2010.

Ne volim te kroz prizmu svijeta / I don’t love you through the prism of the world

Ljubav je toliko slijepa
Da samo dušu ti vidi
Kad iza nas put je dug
Mislim da linija neka
Kroz život me vodi
I s linijom tvojom
Tvori savršen krug

Spreman sam širiti dalje
Tu svijest
Tko smo mi
Lomiti svjetlost kroz prizmu svijeta
Raspršit u bezdan
Sve što smeta
Čistoj zraci ljubavi

Uz čaroliju cijelu
Što život je nudi
Ja ne vidim dalje
Od pogleda tvoga
Sretan što živim
U ovom grijehu
Posramljen od Boga

Ne volim te kroz prizmu svijeta
Ne voliš me kroz prizmu ti

U konfliktu vječnom
Ljubav se piše
Nedorečenoj priči
Ne traži se kraja
Što život na dlanu
U nama nudi
Nadu mi budi
Istočno od raja


Love is so blind
Sees nothing but soul
With this faraway land behind us
I think that some line
Leads me through life
And with a line of yours
Perfect circle it forms

I'm ready to eradiate
This awareness
What are we
Refract light beaming the prism of the world
Release into the abyss
All that bothers
Pure beam of love

With this magic of the whole
Offered by life
I still don’t see nothing
But look in your eyes
Thrilled to live in this sin
Ashamed of God

I don’t love you through the prism of the world
and you don’t love me

In eternal conflict
Love is written
Story never told
End is not be found
When life on the palm
Offers what’s inside us
Hope awakens
East of paradise